, pub-6663105814926378, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 #Finance 2 Insurance

#Finance 2 Insurance

8 Tip on Homeownner Insurance
1. You're a statistic
To an insurer, you're not a person; you're a set of risks. An insurer bases its premium (or its decision to insure you at all) on your "risk factors," including your occupation, who you are, what you own, and how you live.
2. Know your home's value
Before you choose a policy, it is essential to establish your home's replacement cost. A local builder can provide the best estimate.
3. Insurers differ
As with anything else you buy, what seems to be the same product can be priced differently by different companies. You can save money by comparison shopping.
4. Don't just look at price
A low price is no bargain if an insurer takes forever to service your claim. Research the insurer's record for claims service, as well as its financial stability.
5. Go beyond the basics
A basic homeowners policy may not promise to entirely replace your home.
6. Demand discounts
Americans waste money every year because they forget to ask for them!
7. Insurer isn't necessarily your friend
Your idea of fair compensation may not match that of your insurer. Your insurer's job is to restore your financially. Your job is to prove your  losses so you get what you need.
8. Prepare before you have to file a claim
Keep your policy updated, and reread it before you file a claim so there are no surprise.

Choosing Life Insurance
Making a living today is a matter that many people are starting to pay attention to. With the factors of society and living conditions of human nature being shorter Life insurance is an option to prevent unexpected situations. And as a guarantee for those behind him, whether they are wives, children, or close ones, etc.

But many people are still wondering what type of life insurance they should choose to suit themselves. Which, when choosing to buy life insurance, must look at many factors as components And suit yourself Which can be divided as follows

Life insurance Low insurance premium
If the insurance buyer has to take risks or travel often Should choose the term life insurance (Term Insurance), the highlight of this type of insurance is that the insurance company will pay in the event that the insured died within the contract period. By remembering to pay indemnity to those who receive the benefits specified in the life insurance policy But in the event that the contract has expired The insured are still alive. The insured will not receive any money back from the insurance company. The duration of the contract may be specified in years. Depending on the risk, such as 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years or the age limit of the insured, such as coverage until the insured reaches 60 years etc.

Another outstanding feature is that people with debt should get this type of insurance. By providing money or benefits received to cover the amount of debt Because if the insured dies The money received from the insurance company will help repay those debts. Periodic life insurance is considered insurance for family or loved ones. In the event that you leave, you will receive a lump sum money for the people behind to not have to suffer much to carry a burden.

Family insurance
In the event that the buyer wants to buy life insurance is the pillar of the family Should choose life insurance (Whole life insurance), which this type of insurance provides only life insurance for the insured. The type of insurance is the same as periodic life insurance. But the coverage will last for the life of the insured, meaning that if the insured dies at any time Insurance companies will pay money or benefits equal to the sum insured to the beneficiary.

Savings or cumulative insurance
For those who like saving and increasing coverage too Should choose Endowment Insurance, similar to a deposit. This type of life insurance is the most popular. Because the insurance company will pay or benefit, even if the insured lives until the end of the contract And in the event that the insured dies before the contract expires In which if the insured lives until the end of the contract The lump sum returned is like a savings that the insurance buyer has collected. But if the insured dies within the contract period The insurance company will pay the beneficiary.

The most important thing for Choosing life insurance, it must be considered for what purpose. Since life insurance currently has many forms Which has different conditions and life protection Studying the details of each type of insurance is important. In order to be able to choose the insurance plan that suits you.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance
Car insurance is necessary in terms of protecting yourself and others. Including car protection if damaged And most importantly, the law is compulsory for car users to have insurance act, but when having insurance class 1 or class 2, will feel sluggish to do Due to the expensive insurance price And in some years the insurance cost was lost without a claim at all throughout the year Therefore recommend How to get cheap car insurance and what to do to protect the car itself.

1. Discounts from having a good drive.
Each year, if the insured vehicle has never requested a claim in the past year Or claim but is not at fault Will get a good history discount In each year, up to 50% of the premium in the renewal year is
Step 1 Drive well in the first year, get 20% discount
Step 2 Drive well for 2 years consecutively get 30% discount.
Step 3. Drive well for 3 consecutive years. Get a 40% discount.
Step 4 Drive well from 4 years onwards. Receive 50% discount.

However, if the driver is at fault A good history discount will be reduced step by step. For example, if you have a good record of 40 percent and one mistake at a time, the discount will be reduced to 30 percent.

2. Specify the name of the driver.
Car insurance Specify the name of the driver For passenger cars, passenger cars, personal use Can choose to name not more than 2 drivers. The discount will be given according to the age range of the driver from 5 - 20%

Age range and premium discount
18/24 years 5%
25 - 35 years 10%
36 - 50 years 15%
50 years up to 20%

3. First part damage
Car insurance with the method chosen to take some risk to yourself. In the event of damage from an accident at a time This will make it possible to save a part of the insurance premiums. For example, if you choose to buy the first part of the damage by an amount of 2,000 baht, for example, then the insurance premiums will be reduced from the original 4,000 - 5,000 baht depending on the company that provides insurance. But if there is an accident And the wrong party must pay the amount of 2,000 baht / time because this money is a joint liability with the insurance company itself

4. Group discounts
In the case of 3 or more cars of the same name registered Will receive the group section.

Step Before Buying Insurance
When deciding to get life insurance Many people do not know how to start. Because too much information Or don't know how to walk to that life insurance company and what to do next Even what documents to prepare In which these doubts have been divided before buying insurance Is a simple procedure that can be done as follows.
1. The first step is to contact life insurance companies directly or through agents or brokers that they know and believe they are reliable.

2. Choose a life insurance plan that is appropriate and in accordance with their needs. Which can be chosen from the advice of staff of life insurance companies or from agents

3. Set the desired insurance limit By considering the monthly income that they receive each month And the ability to send insurance premiums according to the period specified by the insurance policy

4. When deciding the desired insurance plan Fill in details about you in the application for life insurance. By declaring the truth in all respects Especially in the medical history and answering questions correctly about health Because if the insurance company inspects that the information entered is incorrect That insurance policy will be canceled or unable to receive any benefits.

5. If the insurance agent has filled in the information The applicant will check the validity before signing the insurance application form. If the wrong information is found, such as the name of the beneficiary or the name of the insured in error, etc., hurry to complain to the company to correct it.

6. After the insurance company confirms the start of the policy Have the insured pay the life insurance premium every time Can contact to pay at the branch company or by registered mail Or via bank in case of paying through a company representative Every receipt for receipt as per the printed form of the company shall be kept as evidence.

From the above, all steps are taken since the purchase of insurance. Up to the stage of paying the premiums as scheduled Which in each step may have different conditions Depending on the rules of each type of insurance. That may have additional conditions Or requesting specific documents Therefore, before buying insurance, must carefully study information and choose to buy insurance from a trustworthy company or a trusted agent.

5 Tips to Prepare for Your Property Settlement
1. Insurance

Haven't organised insurance yet? Get it now! It can be a risky practice to rely on the vendor's  insurance cover (or lack thereof) if something happens to the property during the period from exchange to settlement. Having adequate insurance in place will give you peace of mind.

2. Keys, codes and passes

Make sure you organise who has the keys and when you can collect them from the agent or your legal representative. Also, make sure you have the alarm codes (if any) and instruction manuals. Some purchasers want to collect the keys that day from the agent; others have the keys delivered to their solicitor after settlement. By sorting out the logistics beforehand, you can enjoy your property sooner (without setting off any house alarms!).

3. Final inspection

This is probably the most important inspection you will undertake, so you should organise it during daylight hours as close as possible to settlement and really take your time with it. Has any debris been left behind? Do the fittings and fixtures remain? Are the contractual inclusions actually in place? Have the exclusions been disposed of?

4. Final Title Search

Just like a final inspection, a final title search will inform you if there have been any dealings with or new interests in the legal ownership of the property. After all, you can't buy something from someone if they don't own it. You'll also need to remove any caveat you've placed on the title to enable the change of ownership to take place.

5. Cheque directions

Your legal advisor and lender will organise the cheques on your behalf, but it's up to you to make sure the settlement amounts and payees are correct before property settlement. Also, make sure the cheques have correct spellings - incorrectly issued non-negotiable bank cheques can hold up and delay a settlement, and that's the last thing you want!

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